Report a Bug or a Glitch
Why Report a Bug or a Glitch?
Reporting problems when they happen can help us make our platform better. We appreciate you taking your time to report this information.
Report a Bug or a Glitch
To help us identify the cause of the Glitch or Bug, please fill the form:
Tips to Report a Glitch
- ใปDescribe in detail what you were doing before you experienced the glitch.
- ใปWhat did you expect to happen when you experienced the glitch?
- ใปAre you able to describe what are the steps to reproduce the glitch?
- ใปWere you able to find a work around? If so, what were the steps?
*Once we receive the information, we will be able to understand the issue and provide a possible solution. If you need further assistance or have any other questions, feel free to get in touch!